Tuesday, September 1, 2009

September Weather

Breathe in, and then out.. Are you outside right now? Well if you are,
then you know that once you inhaled, you smelled the brisk and fresh
September air.

So today, I walked outside towards the train, and it was wonderful. I
love the feeling when the air just begins to get cool. Its warm enough
for a t-shirt, yet chilly enough for a hoodie. I love it. September is a
cool month. Now that I am in school, it feels even better. September
always reminded me, and probably many other people, about school
shopping, new clothes, new classes, and great anticipation towards the
holidays. I love the holidays too.

I decided that today I feel good, and its a great morning all because of
the weather. I was too tired to wake up, and would have rather been in
school or home on a work day, but the minute I walked out the door, my
attitude changed. Sweater weather is my favorite. I was born in the
middle of winter so maybe that's why. In any event, that's what I love
about this morning. haha...September memories truely are my favorite to
remember. I hope everyone has a september memory too, and if you do,
share it with me. :-)

I also hope everyone has a good day today.... in September.
Take care
Sent from my T-Mobile Sidekick®

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