Friday, October 30, 2009

Dear God


I know as a human being we all make mistakes. We all do things on
impulse sometimes that we may or may not believe to be wrong. I believe
in good and bad choices and I want to ask for your guidance in making
those right decisions.

I do believe in forgiveness if there is real sorrow, and pain and regret
for doing the things people do.

I ask for forgiveness for everyday human things I do, and for my family,
my friends, and my love Rob.

I ask God to watch over me please, and my loved ones.


Friday, October 23, 2009

Dear Diary

Its been a while, and I need to release my thoughts.. I have a bunch of
jumbled images and ideas rummaging through my brain. Please bear with
me. I've been having some trouble with writing a song. Maybe I need some
inspiration.. but what kind? I feel lost when I don't write a song for a
while. It makes me sad. Sometimes I feel like a failure even though I
know inside im not. I just feel strongly about my music, and I don't
like not writing. I think it may be because of the lack of beats I have.
I am a unique writer, and I can't write a song to just any beat. It
needs to be extra intense, extra crazy, extra dark, and especially deep.
I just don't know.
My soul is searching for that key to my brain.....the perfect beat...

Sammy Sam

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sick and Twisted...

Can you believe that a doctor gets paid, a large amount of money, to
destroy a person's face?


How can you give money to a plastic surgeon to destroy your face?
Celebrities are disgusting. They posses a very strange way of thinking.

The mind starts to imagine this disturbing physical image that they
believe is how they see themselves. They see some sort of being that
they try so hard to be, yet never seem satisfied in the end. Its more
like the beginning again. Can the ending result ever truly satisfy them?
Will they ever reach it? Aren't they miserably mad at themselves?
Do they drown into this painful hole of weakness and denial?

I suppose so...

And then there's the doctors. Satisfying their every sick and twisted
desire. They watch these humans morph into demented clay dolls, by the
works of their very hands. They completely remove themselves from what
used to be a spirit. There used to be a living, breathing feeling. The
feeling's lost. Now its just a blind habit, feeding the hands that so
eagerly wait for their desires. Who cares right? As long as they get
their fair share?

How sick.

The money

The pain... The regret...

*...Sick and Twisted...*


Attack of The Squirrel!
