Sunday, May 17, 2009

Another set of thoughts

So im blogging again, on what seems to be my online journal. Its tough
out there in the world. You have to always remember one thing..What
makes you happy? I learned to stay true to myself, even if it means a
struggle. Im looking back at how my parents did things, and I was able
to find numerous faults. I see the things I would do differently if I
was in their position. Sometimes I wish I lived anothers young adults
life, but most of the time I am happy to be me, and learn the way I do.
it hurts sometimes, when you see other people your age having more
oppourtunities than you, but hope is always there. I was never a jealous
person. I am happy for everyone who has those great oppourtunities... I
know mine are there, I just have to make them myself, which I do little
by little everyday. I guess hope is all anyone can have. Hope, Prayer,
and Belief....Believe in yourself... Any parents who read
there for your children, when they fall, your their hope. Don't ever
forget it.
Sent from my T-Mobile Sidekick®

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