Tuesday, May 5, 2009


So basically today I am relaxing... collecting my thoughts (as usual)
and releasing them on paper..(or shall I say internet paper). lol..
Within the last month, I changed my life around a lot. I've decided to
leave the job I had for two years, because I was sick and tired of
sitting behind a desk wasting my days away, for other people. I am
creative and im an artist. I write music, poems, I perform and I want to
write novels one day.. I chose myself over a job that just wasn't me..I
believe that this change isn't a bump in the road, but more of a boost
ahead in my road to success. I believe that no body should do something
they don't want to do, because in this life we have to cherish
everyday..we have to do what makes us happy. I never want to limit
myself to anything for anyone. I believe I was put here to do what I
love..and I will. its just a matter of believing in youself...I do and I
always will.
Sent from my T-Mobile Sidekick®

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